How do you prepare for your speech presentation? What can you do to have a clear direction for your message? A CLEAR IDEA: TWO OBJECTIVES This tool is organized with two objectives in mind: What is your main idea with this speech presentation? Make it clear to yourself. Once it is clear to you, your […]
MORE >>Visuals
About Use of Visual Slides
How do you plan to use visuals in your speech presentation? First of all, when you see use of visuals in a Toastmasters project, keep in mind that a visual can also be a handout that you give to members in audience, or something to show (for example your science project where you might have […]
MORE >>Losing Power AND Point with Power Point? … :)
Can you lose power because of Power Point (or Keynote for that matter)? Can power point get in your way to make a clear point? The answer can be yes. When you are presenting, you are the focal point of your presentation. Or, rather you should be the focal point of your presentation. You are […]