The Table Topics master brings questions or prompts for impromptu speeches (table topics).
- Think about your theme or overall direction for your table topics session. Take time to explain what you are going to do.
- Explain the table topics process briefly: Time is 1-2 min with 30 seconds of ice time. Remind them to use the word for the day.
- The theme for table topics can be whatever that you like: examples – friendship, Halloween, homework, sports, hobbies, vacations, movies, fiction, school locker room, back to school, video games, colors, summer, winter, etc. The sky is the limit as to where you can take it.
- Be innovative in designing your table topics. Make table topics interesting for the group. Have fun with it.
- Think of questions that are easy to relate to for the members. Speakers are learning how to think on their feet, stay in the moment, and develop a point.
Order of speakers for table topics:
- Members that don’t have a role in the meeting (that way, they get an opportunity to speak that day)
- Vote Counter, Timer, Ah Counter, Grammarian, Toastmaster, General Evaluator
- Evaluators
- Speakers
At the end of your table topics session:
- Ask for the grammarian’s report for the usage of the word of the day.
- Ask for the timer’s report.
- All members that met time limits and used word for the day qualify for the best table topics speakers award. Announce that list to all, and invite voting.