The Table Topics master brings questions or prompts for impromptu speeches (table topics). Think about your theme or overall direction for your table topics session. Take time to explain what you are going to do. Explain the table topics process briefly: Time is 1-2 min with 30 seconds of ice time. Remind them to use […]
MORE >>Leadership
The Toastmaster for the meeting serves as an anchor and leader for the day. What does the Toastmaster for a meeting do? Plan the meeting. Communicate with different role players, budget time for different roles, and create a meeting plan. Run the meeting as per the plan, and make adjustments at the meeting as required. […]
Food for Thought 🙂 Is there an activity where you spend a good chunk of time? Why and how do you enjoy that? Is there a hobby that energizes you? If yes, why or how? What draws a more profound meaning or passion if you are in a school club and enjoy it? Are you […]
MORE >>Table Topics – Impromptu Speaking
At the Toastmasters meeting, the table topics master brings table topics for members. They might develop a theme around a series of questions. For example, it can be about colors, friendships, sports, movies, fiction, high school locker room, or Halloween … the sky is the limit where you can take table topics. You have 20-30 […]
> Role of Toastmaster > Role of Table Topics Master > Role of Vote Counter > Role of Grammarian > Role of Ah-Counter > Role of Timer YOUR ROLE AS GENERAL EVALUATOR The general evaluator runs the evaluations part of the meeting: Introduces evaluators Requests timing reports and voting for the Best Evaluator award Requests […]
MORE >>Let’s Connect: Three Techniques
LET’S FOCUS ON THESE THREE IDEAS: Develop ideas in your own words. What does it mean? Have a list of critical points to develop in your speech. Think about how these points tie into your overall message. Develop each key point in your own words as they come to you naturally. Avoid trying to memorize […]
MORE >>Credible Constructive Feedback: Art of Evaluations
WHAT IS AN EVALUATION WHEN YOU ARE AN EVALUATOR? It is your reaction to the speech as it came across to you: what you saw, heard, and felt in the message. If different individuals give evaluation feedback to the same speaker, will that be different? The answer is yes: each person has a different perspective, […]
MORE >>Cultivate Credibility using Different Roles
Evaluations and constructive feedback Three specific techniques for prepared speeches Different roles at toastmasters meeting Impromptu speaking with Table Topics ONE: EVALUATIONS AND CONSTRUCTIVE FEEDBACK Learn to give meaningful constructive feedback using speech evaluations (one-on-one evaluations). I think this should be our top priority this session. This helps in a number of ways: Effective listening […]
MORE >>What is Leadership? Ideas From Our Members
As we kicked off the new toastmasters club session last week, our table topics session turned into a nice brainstorming discussion on leadership. How thoughtful and well-articulated insights from our 12-17-year-old members! 🙂 Here are the nuggets I captured: A leader plans and organizes effectively thinking through what needs to be done, who and what is […]