> Role of  Toastmaster > Role of Table Topics Master > Role of Vote Counter > Role of Grammarian >…

Let’s Connect: Three Techniques

LET'S FOCUS ON THESE THREE IDEAS: Develop ideas in your own words. What does it mean? Have a list of…

Credible Constructive Feedback: Art of Evaluations

WHAT IS AN EVALUATION WHEN YOU ARE AN EVALUATOR?  It is your reaction to the speech as it came across…

Cultivate Credibility using Different Roles

Evaluations and constructive feedback Three specific techniques for prepared speeches Different roles at toastmasters meeting Impromptu speaking with Table Topics…


Stories are compelling. Storytelling is around for thousands of years. We, humans, are hardwired to tell and share stories. It…

Losing Power AND Point with Power Point? … :)

Can you lose power because of Power Point (or Keynote for that matter)? Can power point get in your way…

What is Leadership? Ideas From Our Members

As we kicked off the new toastmasters club session last week, our table topics session turned into a nice brainstorming…